Thursday, September 09, 2010

A Return to a New Beginning...

After a LONG drought from blogging I have returned! I feel the need to write - not necessarily so that people will read my words and thoughts (but I am more than happy if they do) but the need stems from a longing to express the emotions and thoughts of a grieving mother who has learned to live in spite of the pain.

My heart has been broken. Into too many pieces to count. I thought I would never live to see the day where I could say it was mended. The process was painful, the result nothing short of miraculous. My broken heart is and forever will be beautifully mended. I hope to tell the story of my sweet baby and the lessons she has taught me through this venue and share with you the journey to a beautifully mended heart.


Colleen said...

So blessed to be able to read your writing again Nelia. I have always enjoyed how you write and how you share your heart. Thanks for that transparency. You are truly a beautiful person, and our thoughts and prayers have been with you during your journey over the last few years. Love the title of the blog too :)

Beautifully Mended said...

Thanks Colleen! SO good to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog and for responding. Hope you are your beautiful family are well.

Love Nelia.